Thursday, 16 January 2020

The Effects of Recruitment and Selection on Organizational Performance: theoretical views compared to practical scenario.

The most important development in the field of organizations has taken place in recent times the importance given to human resources (Djabatey,2012). Recruitment is the process of analyzing and inviting prospective candidates from within and outside an organization so that they can begin to evaluate them for future employment, selection begins when the right candidates are identified (Walker,2009). As defined by Ophtha (2010), recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified individuals to apply for job vacancies. In any organization's operations, recruitment and selection are its main tasks of the human Resource Department is the first step towards creating the competitive power of organizations.

Human Capital Theory as Proposed by Adam Smith (1723-1790) in Taxira (2002)People are thought to be fixed capital like a machine because of their skills and abilitieswhich has real cost and profit. According to the basis, in the theory of human capitalArmstrong (2006) is that people and their collective abilities, skills and experience, together with these abilities to deploy in the interests of the hiring organization, are now recognized asMaking a significant contribution to organizational success and also an important formation source of competitive advantage.

Although, it is necessary to select the right candidates in organizations, it still becomes an imperative step to implement proper sustaining strategies that boost the overall organizational performance. For an example, HNB  Jaffna Green Branch pays more emphasis on developing the pool of existing employees with consistent training and learning workshops.  As a branch that stands for promoting CSR as a core of business value, the HNB Metro trains its employees to have proper interpersonal values, which are then converted as a competitive advantage even at the view of all branches.

The resource-based theory (RBV) of Barney (1991) suggests that sustainable competitive advantage comes when firms have a human resources pool can't imitate or replace rivals. According to a resource-based view, firms should review their workforce regularly to make sure they have the right people with the right skills in the right places to ensure a permanent competitive advantage (Barney, 2001).

Recruitment and selection constitute a large part of the organization's total resourcing strategy, which identifies and protects the organization from short to medium-term survival and success (Elwood & James, 1996). In fact, the main purpose of recruitment is to create a pool of qualified candidates to enable the organization to select the best candidates for the organization, attracting as many employees as possible while the main purpose of the selection process is choosing the right candidate to fill various positions in the organization. The available evidence suggests that there is a positive and important relationship between them recruitment and selection and performance of an enterprise (Gamage,2014). Other studies such as Syed and Jamai (2012) have similarly shown that effective recruitment and selection enforcement are positively related to organizational performance. With exact note to recruitment and selection norm and organizational achievement, Montana and Chernov (2000) maintain that sourcing applicant in advertising and selection through advertising or other methods, examining potential candidates through tests and interviews, selecting or interviewing candidates based on test results, and onboarding to ensure that candidates can fulfill their new role effectively.
Although recruitment plays a key role, still external factors or macro level changes affect the performance of organizations.

Individual circumstances also play a key role.

The impact of various recruitment and selection criteria for employees has been the subject of research for over 60 years (Sinha & Thaly, 2013). Effectiveness is primarily assessed by turnover rates, job survival and job performance testing, as well as organizational issues such as referrals by current personnel, job postings at home, and re-employment of former employees (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000).

Hiring effective employees and selecting employees is a fundamental HRM activity, if so being well-organized can have a significant impact on organizational performance as well as more positive organizational icons, recruitment and selection are key to success of an Organization, having the right staff can improve and maintain organizational performance. Also, effective recruitment and selection is central to success because the organization depends on finding the necessary skills and people ability to deliver the organization's strategic objectives and the ability to be positive cooperation in Organization Values and Goals, Sasson (1994).

On the other hand, better recruitment and selection strategies result in better organizational results. The more effective the organization is recruiting and selecting candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. In addition, the effectiveness of an organization selection systems can affect lower-level business results, such as productivity and finance performance

The focus of recruitment and selection comes from the potential candidates against the inherent demands and rewards of a given task. Because of this, high performance companies devote considerable resources and energy to building high quality selection systems. The recruitment and selection process are important process for human resource management, and very important in influencing organizational success.

The quality of new recruits depends on the organizations' recruitment practices, and that is the relative effectiveness of the selection phase depends on the natural ability candidates attracted. Recruitment and selection of employees to a determines the performance of an organization to some extent and if it matters organizations want to achieve their goals.Recruitment and selection in any organization is a serious business because the benefit of any organization or achievement in service delivery consignment on the element of the workforce that was recruited through recruitment and selection exercises in the organization (Ezeali and Esiagu, 2010).

As a conclusion, it can be said employee recruitment and selection process plays a key role in the success of your organization. When done correctly, it allows you to attract the best talent and build a results-oriented team. Like everything else, this process is not perfect. There are different methods that companies can use to recruit employees, and each has advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Yes, selecting a right candidate is a critical issue in HR. A candidate should fit with the organizational culture than only both can be succeed. Apart from hiring an employee he or she should be continuously trained for compete with competitors. For that an organization should be a learning organization. Selecting a suitable candidate with latest measure, train them, guiding and motivating them will create a win win situation.

  2. But, you need to know there is number of present successful people was fired and expelled from their previous employment, for example Steve jobs,Bill gates. Even Dr.A.P.J Abtul Kalam was rejected in pilot recruitment of indian AF. I think, an human resource manager within the limited period cannot judge a ability of personnel. Recruitment process is contained certain barriers and limitations such as, halo effect,horn effect and similar to me. Some capabilities comes true, when we facing the obstacles.

  3. Recruitment is a human resource management function. it is one of the activities that impact critically on the performance of an organization.
    While it is understood and accepted that poor recruitment decisions continue to affect employee performance which in turn affects organizational performance and limits goal achievement.
    Acquiring and retaining high-quality talent is critical to organization's success. In the recent past, due to redundancies and retirements many organizations are faced with the problem of identifying and selecting the best staff to fill vacancies left.


Discrimination in Recruitment and Selection Process

Discrimination related with unequal opportunities for the employees with equal level of performance within labor market considered as c...