Tuesday, 14 January 2020

The importance of social media in HR and Employee Recruitment-Critical view

As a digital platform, social media has had a tremendous impact on how we maintain and communicate with friends, family and colleagues. The advent of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others has presented to us a democratic platform where everyone has an opinion and an equal opportunity to be heard. Social media, as it is structured, allows people to share their opinions about life events, issues of political or social significance and their emotions. The medium is recognized in bilateral, instant communications that it offers through other traditional media channels such as television print, where communication is the only way.

Due to these many benefits of the digital platform, the presence of social media has become a fundamental process for every organization, for marketing or for corporate HR engagement. In any organization, HR is a function that deals with all employee-related issues such as payroll, hiring, employee engagement, learning and skills development, work environment. Methods such as skills acquisition, leadership, employee communication as well as attracting future employees. As social media helps them do this.

Another important aspect of the lives of HR personnel is to showcase them in the organization. If HR is not visible, they are not included with the employees. They do not have employee-related insights that need to make important HR decisions. Social media gives HR a chance to establish a relationship with every employee of this organization, regardless of their location. When employees find that there is a window where they can solve any problem, the visibility and credibility of HR as a job increases. It is a common platform that can generally be used to understand how an organization is perceived by its employees and potential recruits.

The Social media is the preferred source for job seekers. (Weiss and Barbeite,2001). Modern companies evolving their own websites and online work boards. The presence of social media has become a fundamental process for every organization, for marketing or for corporate HR engagement. The use of sophisticated technologies and software has influenced the ways in which employees are recruited and selected. Innovative technology gives owners significant control over the information accessed by their employees. In addition, many employers have begun to use advanced technology to access information about potential employees on general websites. (Vanlddekinge et al.,2013).

Social media is notorious as a 2.0 based Internet-based platform that allows users to create and exchange their content (Kaplan and Haenlein,2010). As noted by Segal (2014)

Recruitment is one of the most desired areas of HR on social media platforms. These platforms have accelerated the recruitment process, which includes initiatives like posting, resuming, in
terviewing, making offers.

The online recruitment process can be more cost effective than traditional methods, Online applications can be processed very speed, Adoption of e-recruitment is also an important reason for organizations promote their image as a progressive organization, It builds a wider pool by providing access to 24/7.This provides a great opportunity for searchers around the world to find the right candidate. It also attracts a larger or more diverse applicant. It also broadens the pool of potential applicants and recruiting, reducing the time for online recruitment can help organizations compete best suited candidate. Another reason for implementation of e-recruitment is reduce the traditional works and offering good service for candidates. Some people behave badly on social media we can determine if a potential candidate has a bad attitude when watching online sharing. (International Journal of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM) Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014).

Although there are numerous benefits to using social media in the recruitment process, there are some unexpected shocks that come with social media. For those of us who work in the recruitment industry, finding candidates on social networking sites can be harmless. No one even knows, right? But according to a 2013 study conducted by the Advisory, Reconciliation and Mediation Service (ACAS), job seekers do not believe that avoiding the presence of social media or keeping someone fake or neutral is a good job. Although the Internet is primarily a public sphere, some people find employees uncomfortable checking their accounts, as they consider them 'personal' bubbles. Another consequence of recruiters relying on social media is the tendency to create bias. Well, with people with good social media presence, an employer may be prejudiced, compared to people who are not very active online (Connelly and Ones,2010) .Social media can be an incredibly powerful tool for getting an early background check, but it can sometimes provide us with information that can adversely affect our decision. As such, it cannot stand as a recruiting tool by itself.

There is no doubt that social media has improved this recruitment Increase the process by making it more open and democratic.


  1. Absolutely, this globalization is turned us to next level. The time and energy is considerably saved. Throughout the social media recruitment, an employer can be judge the mentality and integrity of applicant who will suit to the organization or not.

  2. I absolutely agree with you that in the competitive working environment social media are one of the best platforms for hire an employee with low cost. LinkedIn is also one of the better examples for hiring an employee. Though there are many advantages disadvantages cannot be eradicated. In my point of view emotional connections won’t be there. It will decrease the face to face communication. Obviously a laziness situation will be created by this advanced technology.

  3. I agree with you in my 16 years working experience I got lot of opportunities through social media. LinkedIn, Facebook, Job vacancies sites in in internet are the good communicators for job finders and the employers.


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