Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Recruitment and Selection in HRM: Example drawn from HNB

As per Windolf (1986), overall selection of specific recruitment strategy via an organization would be specific towards resources exist within that organization as well as its environmental dynamics. As per Wright (2007), it should answer for five main questions with developing an effective strategy of recruitment for pursuing its overall survival as well as the success such as “Whom to be recruited? And “Where to be recruited?” as well as “What kind of recruitment sources to be used?” and “When to be recruited?” as well as “What kind of message to be communicated?” (Subbarao, 2006)

Here, Recruitment can be defined as the process to generate a proper pool of eligible candidates who would be applying to the firm for its employment (Gold, 2007). It suggests that those applicants who have experience as well as qualifications closely relate with the job specifications would eventually be chosen. As per Armstrong (2006), the main objective here is to obtain, with minimum cost, correct as well as qualified candidates for satisfying the organizational needs. Hence, the firm attracts candidates through identifying as well as evaluating with using appropriate applicants. (Sarkar & Kumar, 2007)

As per Eze (2002), overall recruitment can be seen as a process to find and attempt with attracting job candidates with suitably qualification while filling vacancies effectively with an aim of encouraging them for applying to the vacant position. As per Costello (2006), the recruitment can be seen as set of structured activities as well as processes which are used with legally obtaining adequate qualified applicants to the right place & the right time while enabling them to select with optimum interest. (Sarkar & Kumar, 2007)

Here, it can be seen internal sources of the recruitment which is referring to recruit such employees through the organization while giving the initial consideration to the current employees. This would be important since it may provide opportunities on career development as well as utilization of prevailing human resources within the entity. As per Armstrong (2000), first consideration must give for the internal candidates by an entity with an equal opportunity for the internal candidates to the vacancies than the external candidates

Further, external sources related with recruitment are referring to attract suitable applicants via outside a specific organization for filling the vacant positions. Here, the organizations must fully assess existing positions which require filling and selecting suitable recruiting methods which give best results. These sources consisted with advertisement as well as e-recruitment with the employment agencies as well as labour office and education as well as training centers etc. (Sarkar & Kumar, 2007)

As per Mondy (2010), selection can be defined as “the process to select through group of given applicants who are best suited to the specific position within the firm” whereas overall process of recruitment process would be aligned with encouraging the individuals for seeking employment within the firm.  However, the attraction of huge applicant base would not be the issue, but recruitment of the correct applicants would become as the main concern in the middle of employers within the firm (Subbarao, 2006). Along with oversupply of such unskilled type of applicants (Bussin, 2011), it is possible to assume that whole employers must be highly careful before choosing the applicants. Here, employer decisions on employee selection would be central towards the organizational operations where its outcomes would matter on whole individuals as well as organizations with the society ultimately.

For an example, it can be illustrated the the recruitment & selection process at Virtusa Corporation as a kind of prominent name within whole IT sector in Sri Lanka as below;

Furthermore, here, the Managers who would be involved within the process of hiring employees require understanding the skills as well as abilities which may require within specific job while determining which candidates would have such required capabilities. Here, Interviews as well as reference checks and the tests with the applications as well as résumés would support to identify differences in the middle of those candidates. Further, managers could make their own decisions on selection through the fuller awareness about the strengths as well as weaknesses of those applicants (Subbarao, 2006)

Here, the organizations under the whole selection process would use methods like application forms as well as interviews and the formal tests with references as well as assessment centers along with official transcripts etc. hence, the firm requires choosing a method which would be most appropriate for all job positions. Organizational HR experts would normally drive overall staffing process with having a purpose on staffing to fulfill main requirements within the business with the skill levels which are presented via each newer recruit would likely to judge better when line managers would be involved within whole recruitment as well as selection process. Under the overall implementation of business strategy, the main involvement from the line managers within whole staffing process which comprises with drafting such job descriptions as well as setting criteria while being in recruitment panel would be vital to ensure the recruitment & selection with meeting overall business needs. Hence, line managers would become as the owner of such process of recruitment & selection where HR is playing a kind of facilitator based role here.

The business needs of HNB are published on the Bank's website, vacancy websites and on the website and in the Bulletin of the Croatian Labor Service. Potential candidates can express their interest in working at the Bank by submitting an application based on the relevant advertisement. When applying, candidates are also asked to submit the following documents: proof of the completed education level, transcript of records and grade point average, letters of recommendation and other documents relevant to the application. During the selection process, candidates are generally contacted by e-mail and, if necessary, by post or telephone.

The candidate selection process consists of professional knowledge and knowledge of English, psychological assessment and a professional interview. Candidates who have previously participated in a selection process at the Bank will be informed in the invitation of the activities they must undertake with regard to the advertised position for which they have applied. As soon as the selected candidate accepts the offer to enter into an employment contract, all other candidates will receive an email thanking them for applying for the advertised position.

HNB mostly consider on internal recruitment. If a number of people apply for a position internally, you may need to be careful. If you choose a particular candidate for the position, other rejected candidates may feel discouraged, lose motivation, and feel that their hard work is not recognized. The result? Unemployed employees and falling productivity. And research shows us that companies with low employee involvement experience 18% lower productivity and 16% lower profitability.

Both internal and external recruitment have their advantages and disadvantages, so simply declaring a winner between internal and external recruitment would be unfair.


Anyim, F. C., Ekwoaba, J. O. (2012). The role of human resource planning in recruitment and selection process. British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 6
Armstrong, M., (2000). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. Great Britain: Cambridge University.
Bacon, N., Ackers, P., Coates, D (2012), it’s a small world: managing human resources in small businesses. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 7, No. 2
Breaugh, J., & Starke, M., (2000), Research on employee recruitment: so many studies, so many remaining questions. Journal of Management, Vol. 26. No. 3, pp. 4
Gold S .R. (2007). Recruitment and selection practices in SMEs: Empirical evidence from a developing country perspective. Advances in Management, 3(2), 5
Sarkar, A., Kumar, S. (2007). Effective recruitment and selection: An approach towards model building. HRM Review, 7 (7), 1
Subbarao, P. (2006). Essentials of human resource management and industrial relation. Mumbai: Himalaya Publications.


  1. I somewhat agree with your argument however in some instance when HNB promote someone to fill an open position, their old position becomes vacant. This means that a series of moves and promotions may ensue that could disrupt HNB’s business’ operations. Ultimately HND may need to turn to external recruitment in addition to its internal hire.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The recruitment should be in both ways of internal and external ways. If an organisation uses only a single way to recruit that would make a disadvantage for the organisation. Because the favouritism will play in a big role in internal recruitment. At the same time creating new employment opportunity is an external Corporate Social Responsibility.

    The one side dependence policy will make adverse effects on the long run of the organisation.

  4. Other criteria to help with the recruitment and selection (R&S) processes of human resources. Firstly, a two-stage decision-making procedure is proposed; Next, different techniques are defined that relate to multiple criteria and group participation corresponding to each step of the procedure. A wide range of personnel characteristics is evaluated and the concept of consensus is improved. The recommended procedure here is expected to be more effective than traditional approaches. Moreover, the procedure is implemented in a network-based PC system with web interfaces to support R&S activities.


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