Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Recruitment & Selection Methods: The unique approaches that are employed at MNCs

Due to the increased globalization as well as the competitive pressures, overall recognition on the human resources has become as potential source related with competitive advantage as well as dynamic workforce demographics along with attraction of skillful talents which becomes as a kind of high concern paid by the top management within the firms.  At present, attracting huge base of applicants would not become as big issue, however, recruiting correct applicants would become as the primary concern within most of employers. Several recent studies about the personnel selection (Agarwal & Thite, 2013) acknowledged key trends with the developments within recruitment as well as selection techniques with its reasons during the recent years such as improved level of decision making based acceptance within the selection systems as well as higher usage of available information technology within traditional type of recruitment techniques etc.

Recruitment can be defined as a kind of procedure to develop skilled candidates who are capable of applying for the organizational employment. This represents core staffing activity which provides a kind of significant resource of human capital towards the firm and therefore, it requires proficiently planning and conducting for the firms to accomplish the success (Judge, 2005). It has recognized various recruitment techniques either formal or else informal (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014) where formal type of recruitment practices considered as newspaper based advertisements as well as job centres, with the employment agencies etc (Taylor, 2009). As per Wanous (2000), such informal type recruitment methods resulted with getting higher quality as well as highly committed workers with comparing to formal methods.

Then, selection can be defined as process to gather information with an aim of overall evaluating as well as deciding who must be employed within specific jobs (Welch, 2004). Such selection techniques are related with more traditional type methods such as interviews as well as application forms with the references along with some sophisticated techniques such as aptitude tests as well as assessment centres with the work samples as well as psychological testing etc. (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014)

At present, boundaries in the middle of nations became as melted where multinational firms become necessity on overall development. The researchers require understanding about the way that HR practices would transform in the midst of different nations. Through adopting with globalized selection practices, here, multinational organizations would be presented several types of obstacles under the legal requirements as well as cultural values within given country while ignoring them may lead for breaking down whole system (Hemingway, 2003). Hence, multinational firm requires understanding what type of recruitment as well as selection practices would be successful within specific country where entity wishes for entering. (Agarwal & Thite, 2013)

Within present dynamic labour market, the firms face greater level of competition with chasing their desired type of employees. A kind of survey from 33,000 of employers across 23 countries revealed that about 40% from employers would find as highly difficult with finding and hiring such desired talents (Manpower Inc., 2006). Through having significant base of employees who would be knowledgeable or else skilled within specific technology would definitely constitute proper potential source to gain more competitive advantages towards the organization (Agarwal & Thite, 2013) Due to that reason, more domestic as well as global organizations design their overall hiring systems as the manner to enable them with acquiring the best employee whose existing knowledge is possible to use towards the competitive edge. (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000)

For an example, it can be taken Unilever MNC which was created in the year 1930 by Liver brothers and it is following a process of recruitment with five main steps such as initially, assessing the employees and planning and then, announcing the vacancy circulation and after that, they got the application and then, analyze those application and finally, they are calling for the eligible applicants under the explained structured process for the employee selection as follows; (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014)

As per Schuler (2002), staffing would be the most prominent type of IHRM practice which multinational companies used with helping co-ordinate as well as control own far-flung type globalized operations. Through significant increment of such multinational companies across the whole world, this becomes as imperative to the HR practitioners for getting thorough understanding about local type of staffing practices as the way to implement those staffing practices successfully. (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000)

It can be found considerable variations in the middle of recruitment as well as selection methods across nationalized borders. Several research studies have supported culturally based divergence view from HRM under recruitment as well as selection practices attached with various cultures across various nations (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000). Through reviewing about 13 surveys about the selection techniques which have applied within European organizations, Levy (2004) found that overall interviews as well as application blanks used within whole countries, however, graphology would be used only within France. Further, written references would not use within France where it has concluded that such situational tests as well as assessment centers would be applied highly across UK as well as Germany with Netherlands while comparing with France as well as Belgium.

As per Dean (2002), more work based sample tests would be hardly used within United States where Germany also using generalized mental ability tests more (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014). Within Australia, about 35% of firms are seldom using situation based interviews (Milia, 2004). As per Lockyer (1999) Scottish firms are not using assessment center like selection practice where Taiwanese firms reported as mostly use such employee based referrals among family members as well as relatives and close friendships.

Agarwal, N. M., & Thite, M. (2013), Human resource issues, challenges and strategies, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 3(3), 24
Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2003). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, United Kingdom
Dowling, P. J. & Schuler, R. S. (2010). International di-mensions of human resource management, PWS-Kent, Boston
Lievens, F., Dam, K., & Anderson, N. (2012). Recent trends and challenges in personnel selection. Personnel Review, 31(5), 58
Rioux, S. M., & Bernthal, P. (2014). Recruitment and selec-tion practices survey report. HR Benchmark Group, 2(2), 1-19
Scholarios, D., & Lockyar, C. (2014). Recruiting and se-lecting professionals: Context, qualities, and methods. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 7(3)
Zottoli, M. A., & Wanous, J. P. (2000). Recruitment source research: current status and future directions. Human Resource Management Review, 10(4)


  1. In my opinion, I would like to add that the main benefit of conducting a proper behavioral interview is the ability to identify the unique characteristics of the candidate and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it. Busy managers avoid using it because it usually takes a long time to catch up. You also need to know what they are doing and review the main aspects of the job. Therefore, the interview needs to be prepared well. The problem in Sri Lanka is that the interviewer reads the resume during the interview and browses when the candidate answers the question.

  2. I personally think the high cost of and long recruitment processes could be waste when an employee in the initial period left from the organisation. So, the employer can avoid the long process to educate the employee manner and later of employment period giving adequate training could gain a high advantage.

  3. Similarly, an important aspect of HPWP's emphasis on rigorous recruitment and selection procedures and the impact of nationality in general and headquarters nationality in particular on selection and promotion of Tenure was established in MNC


Discrimination in Recruitment and Selection Process

Discrimination related with unequal opportunities for the employees with equal level of performance within labor market considered as c...