Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Sources and Approaches of Recruitment -Global Scenario

International staffing has been consisted with the recruitment & the selection is dealing with some ‘critical issues which are faced via multinational corporations related with employment at home as well as host with third country based nationals with filling the key positions within headquarters as well as subsidiary type operations (Buhler, 2002). Via this international staffing, such multinational corporations are coordinating and controlling the globalized operations. Similarly, international staffing would effect on the performance in main subsidiaries with the multinational corporations collectively. (Buhler, 2002) 

Here, the approaches or the sources of recruitment under the global scenario are categorized under basic four international approaches, referred as the ethnocentric as well as polycentric and geocentric along with regiocentric (Heenan, 2002). Here, ethnocentric approach would fill whole key positions within subsidiaries in abroad through the parent-country based nationals meanwhile overall polycentric approach would do with the host country based nationals.  Further, geocentric approach would utilize the available best people over the senior positions without concerning about the nationalities. Then, the regiocentric approach would select the best available people within specific region only. (Scott & Bohlander, 2012)

These approaches have both advantages as well as the disadvantages (Harzing 2009). When it comes to concern about the advantages within ethnocentric approach can be recognized as effective communication as well as ease of controlling with transferring the knowledge etc. but, it limits overall development opportunities to the host country nationals which may effect on morale as well as long-term oriented cause repatriation issues. Furthermore, expatriates would encounter several difficulties with adapting towards such host working based contexts, where usage of such expatriates would normally become as more expensive with comparing Host country nationals. (Ronald & Sims, 2002)

Under the polycentric approach, it would result for coordination as well as control issues. Here, geocentric approach would enable those multinational corporations with developing an effective globalized management team which enhances overall subsidiary’s based learning as well as innovation potential with the performance through facilitating overall process of knowledge integration properly (Ronald & Sims, 2002) But, this involves higher level of costs for training as well as relocation, along with the increased difficulties to obtain work permits within the main host countries. Furthermore, regiocentric approach would make this easier to the international managers with transferring and however, this limits career paths under particular region with having the potential with leading to federalism under regional base (Dowling, 2008).  Hence, multinational corporations would adopt various approaches of international staffing which are determined via host-contextual facts as well as firm-specific facts. As an instance, Australian as well as German multinational corporations are tending to employ most of host country national managers within their own Chinese based subsidiaries (Hutchings 2010), meanwhile Chinese based multinational corporations are tending to use most of expatriates within their overseas based operations (Edwards 2004).

Here, effective recruitment as well as selection would contribute significantly for overall expatriate performance (Durai, 2010). Past research showed that majority of multinational corporations recruited expatriates as internally (Lang 2009) while considering some selection criteria such as job expertise as well as technical competence with the personal traits as well as interpersonal abilities and the cultural openness along with the ability with adjusting to newer contexts and the family issues (Templer 2010) along with past global working experiences (Wright 2002). Such criteria would regard as critical for expatriate performance within global assignments where its consideration would depend upon the reasons to utilize such expatriates (Scott & Bohlander, 2012)

As per Shen (2005) it can be seen three main approaches to recruit host country nationals referred as home-based as well as host-based with the integrative approaches. As per Shen, multinational corporations which adapt to approach of home-based would export their main home operation’s based recruitment process with the selection criteria towards the overseas based subsidiaries. Then, the approach of host-based would localize such recruitment as well as selection within host country nationals. Multinational corporations which are adopting to the integrative approach would seek for the practices of recruitment & the selection which best fit with the internal as well as external contexts. (Ronald & Sims, 2002)

For instances, in Korea, most of the companies are adopting to ‘open recruitment’ which refers for hiring mainly university graduates from the universities (Ronald & Sims, 2002), In China, its recruitment channels have become as diverse, consisted with job fair as well as job center with the employment agency as well as headhunter and the online recruitment along with the advertisements through media as well as word of mouth (Gao 2010). Further, large scale firms as well as foreign-invested type of enterprises are tending to rely highly on job fairs at universities where the headhunters for recruiting higher-calibre workers (Chen 2006). Whole employees should sign for the labour contracts which last within five years of period (Warner 2010). In here, Political attitude considered as highly important for the state-owned type of enterprises (Leung 2010), where private enterprises have given the importance for the education as well as skills with the experience along with the performance (Shen 2010). Moreover, Korean multinational corporations are focusing heavily over the English fluency with choosing the expatriates as well (Scott & Bohlander, 2012).


Armstrong, M, (2006), A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan Page Publisher.
Buhler, P.L.U, (2002), Human Resources Management: All the Information You Need to Manage Your Staff and Meet Your Business Objectives. 4th ed. Lincoln: Adams Media Publisher.
Barney E, Heinz S., K, (2008), Human Resource Management: Theory & Practice. 3rd ed. Cape Town: Juta and Company Ltd Publisher.
Durai, P.K, (2010), Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. India: Pearson Education India.
Jerry R. Baker, Madeleine S. Doran, F, (2007), Human Resource Management: A Problem-solving Approach. 2nd ed. Plymouth: R&L Education Publisher.
Nelarine , C, (2002) Human Resource Management: A Managerial Perspective. 2nd ed. Norwich: Cengage Learning EMEA Publisher.
Ronald R. Sims, J, (2007), Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. 2nd ed. United States: Information Age Publisher.
Ronald R. Sims, T.K, (2002), Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management. 2nd ed. London: Greenwood Publishing Group
Rao, V.S.P, (2007) Human Resources Management: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. India: Excel Books India.
Sengupta, N.L, (2007) International Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. Bangalore: Excel Books India.
Scott S., Bohlander, G, (2012), Managing Human Resources. 1st ed. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Stephen J. Perkins, Susan M. Shortland, D, (2006), Stephen J. Perkins, Susan M. Shortland. 2nd ed. London: Strategic International Human Resource Management


  1. I disagree with this statement, as recruitment websites get 92% priority. Most online recruitment processes may include email or phone interviews, which can be considered inhuman. Without the opportunity for the employer to conduct multiple interviews, it is difficult for the candidate to determine whether it is appropriate for the company and its culture. Candidates can also have a hard time measuring whether the company is right for them.

  2. The expatriate recruitment in MNCs not always giving positive results. For example a host country cultures are reluctant to change as it is the parent country. In this case, If the organisation decide to expatriate recruitment to that organisation will be made a bad image among in the host country and having possibilities to avoid the organisation.

    So, all the theories do not have success in all the time.

  3. Internal sources of recruitment refer to the internal hiring of employees within the organization.This is an important source of recruitment, which offers opportunities for the development and use of existing resources within the organization.


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