Friday, 21 February 2020

Discrimination in Recruitment and Selection Process

Discrimination related with unequal opportunities for the employees with equal level of performance within labor market considered as common phenomenon.. As per the definition given under ILO Convention, this consisted with any kind of distinction as well as exclusion or else preference made as per basis under race & color as well as sex or else religion and the political opinion with the national extraction as well as social origin, that may have an effect on impairing equality upon the opportunity or else the treatment within employment or else the existing occupation. (Guest, 2009)  Here, Recruitment & the selection as a kind of main part within the resourcing strategies of an organization, which recognizes as well as secures people required to that organization for the survival as well as succeed. The main purpose in this recruitment is for creating a kind of pool from suitably qualified type of candidates for enabling the selection on the best level of candidates to the firm, via attracting more people to be applied whereas selection process aimed to choose correct candidate for filling vacant positions within same organization. (Gennard & Judge, 2015)

There are several kinds of discriminations can be found within the recruitment and the selection process within the organizations. Here, Social discrimination associated with mainly gender differences as well as the age differences within the applicants. Hence, Gender discrimination is referring for the practice to grant or else deny the rights or else privileges towards specific person based upon the gender.  Some kinds of religious groups are embracing gender discrimination under their dogma. But, within industrialized nations, this may either become illegal or normally considered as inappropriate. (Johnson & Scholes, 2017) In Sri Lanka is still characterized via several patriarchal traditions which accept as well as declare some subordinate type position for women. Such views would be passed on via tradition as well as culture or else the values. Further, Gender discrimination within the labor market would violate overall Pareto efficiency on the allocation of such labor resources within economy which may lead to loss 5-10% from GDP. It would be happened that specific worker group loses since this discrimination within labor market, as well as organization which discriminates would bear the relevant losses. Such overall situation undermines people motivation with working, creating the stress, as well as reducing the feelings on self-esteem, that would lead to less productivity with the competitiveness within the firms. (Guest, 2009) As an instance, it can be illustrated that women union workers within Ansell Lanka has made a strike for eliminating the all sexual harassments within their recruitment and the selection process from the top management as follows; 

Under the psychological factors related with discrimination consisted with the nationality or the race as well as the religious beliefs with the sexual orientation as well as the disability etc. here, discrimination based upon such facts can occur within the recruitment and the selection process of the staff; overall terms & the conditions with benefits offered under the employment; overall ability with selecting the training programs as well as the staff rotation and the promotion or else the dismissal. Furthermore, discrimination based on the nationality consisted with the refusal of overall hiring or else promoting specific person since he/ she belongs to specific ethnic group or else national origin. Such discrimination would be manifested within pursuit of worker since cultural features as well as the style with the clothing or else the skin color. As per researchers, national discredit has experienced via 3% from applicants within the positions across the globe (Gennard & Judge, 2015). Hence, such discrimination would be common for Asia region specially (ITUWA, 2013) that person would be subjected for harassment within workplace, that is consisted with ridicule as well as jokes on such racial group along with the derogatory comments regarding specific culture and so on. Hence, harassment would be caused from both of the overall management as well as via employees and the clients etc.  (Flanders, 2012)

This normally happens within racially hostile type of working environment which is characterized with different innuendo as well as harassment as per the grounds on the nationality with being as a kind of part within the accepted culture at firm. Hence, employer should become as highly aware about this matter where people must have a proper right with even filing a complaint. Such racial hostile type of culture within the firm undermines overall standards under the conduct at working area that would undermine overall individuals’ well- being while degrading worker performance too. (Flanders, 2012) Therefore, the creation of efficient environment with national identity must not be interfered with overall recruitment and the selection process of the workers where employer would require eliminating all of such discrimination criteria within the recruitment and the selection process. The head would not base overall decision with hiring upon the accent related with applicant, when the accent would not seriously interfere to the productivity on workers. The discrimination related with religious beliefs would be based upon the overall nationality where the leaders would fear that workers with stronger level religious beliefs would have some negative effects upon other workers while engaging them within their own religious teachings as well as the religious ceremonies which would distract people through their primary type of workings. (Johnson & Scholes, 2017)
Flanders, A (2012), Management and Unions: The theory and reform of industrial relations, Faber and Faber, London
French, W L, Kast, F E., (2007), Understanding Human Behaviour in Organizations, Harper & Row, New York
Gennard, J and Judge, G (2015), Employee Relations, Institute of Personnel and Development, London
Gratton, L, Hailey, V H, Stiles, P (2016), Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Guest, D E (2009) Human resource management: the workers’ verdict, Human Resource Management Journal, 9(2), pp 5
Hall, L and Torrington, D (2008) the 1Human Resource Function, FT/Pitman, London
Johnson, G and Scholes, K (2017) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Role of Psychology in Recruitment

Gilbreth (2005) defined psychology on the management as the effect from mind which directs work upon which work would be directed, with effect from such undirected as well as directed work over the worker mind. Overall emphasis over success management would lie on the man, without the work. Seyidov (2000) defined it as a kind of science regarding the resources coordination within the firm with reaching towards the planned purposes. When there is a person, his/ her psychological features would be reflected through the own activity within him/ her. (Atkinson & Meager, 2006)

Here, the management & the Psychology are most closely related with themselves under the main HR function of recruitment and the selection. The people psychology concretes overall participants within management process while giving higher level of practical importance over the psychological facts there. When the psychological aspect under the selection would be guided via revealing required characteristics as well as features with the qualities as well as the abilities related with specific person towards successful performance or else the professional work through the psychological methods as well as techniques where then overall recruitment and the selection would be done as per the management view. (Arthur, 2012) This would be a search while revealing those people through such needs on professional work. This require combine inherently as well as supplement mutually both of two approaches which has explained  with selecting the people with having the purpose on most adequate as well as productive utilizing such existing human resources which providing overall achievement under the planned type of purposes. (Farnham, 2010)

As per Storey’s (2002) recruitment & the selection would be considered as a key which is an integrated task where 80% of companies have investigated with providing the grounds towards optimism. On the other hand, Wright (2007) explained few exceptions on the traditional approaches towards the recruitment & the selection would continue with dominating practice would present an altogether under high pessimistic picture. Such apparent contradictions would inevitably place a kind of question mark on the extent from which kind of strategic recruitment & the selection would be really practiced via the firms in modern context here. (Arthur, 2012)

As per Snow (2004) identified HR practices, consisted with recruitment & the selection, that were congruent amongst the various competitive strategies over defender as well as prospector with the analyzer (Snow, 2004), along with cost reduction as well as the innovation with the quality enhancement (Jackson, 2007), with evidence on those practice within companies. Further, the evidence on such strategic recruitment & selection emerged through the studies which are investigating about the general developments within the HR practice. As an instance, through a kind of comprehensive study which is investigating the way that management on HR has developed within Asian companies, Storey (2002)  could recognize that ‘recruitment’ as one from 27 dimensions which can be utilized for differentiating HRM through the traditional type of personnel management as well as the industrial relations based practices. Here, within HRM, recruitment has identified as a kind of ‘Integrated type of key task’ from where the personnel as well as industrial relations arisen which has seen as a kind of ‘Separate as well as marginal task’ (Storey, 2002).

Overall application on the psychological testing within recruitment & the selection, specially the usage of instruments which are designed with assessing the personality traits, is having long as well as colorful type contentious history. Here, personnel recruitment & the selection as general, with its different forms under the psychological testing specific way, has own origins from 19th century onwards. (Atkinson & Meager, 2006) Several developmental works within scientific methods under recruitment & the selection traced as the main efforts on industrial psychologists with supporting to military in world wars and its problems. The natural concepts of selection formed through the Frederic Taylor’s based scientific management, via the informal techniques under the character analysis as well as modern application over those selection instruments under the statistical analyses etc.

Similarly, overall study on personality is having rich as well as varied tradition under the psychology field here. Traditionally, most of the industrial psychologists have rejected such utilization of personality testing since it believed on such practice as unreliable as well as invalid. (Atkinson & Meager, 2006) But, most of the HR practitioners continued with using the personality testing under optimistic view with enduring faith under the ability of discriminating amongst the good as well as poor candidates. (Farnham, 2010)

Under the whole recruitment & selection procedures, it is highly used an interview method (Robertson, 2007). Here, Psychological tests would be normally combined with such interviews under the recruitment & the selection purposes. Campion (2002) showed such combining interviews along with the cognitive ability would explain additional ten percent of variance within overall job performance. But, under the psychological testing, this would be significant to consider about structure of such interviews. (Farnham, 2010)

Hence, here, it has identified some practices related with psychological testing in terms of conducting proper job analysis before the recruitment & the selection which indicates that the company line managers would be keen with improving their own selection skills furthermore (Carless 2009). Here, the HR professional is having a kind of important role with paying as knowledge intermediary who can promote overall application on such effective testing based practices under the overall process of recruitment & selection successfully. 

Arthur, J B (2012). The link between business strategy and industrial relations systems in American steel mills, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45(3), pp 4
Atkinson, J and Meager, N (2006) Changing Patterns of Work, IMS/OECD, and London
Bates, R A and Holton, E F (2015) computerized performance monitoring: a review of human resource issue, Human Resource Management Review, winter
Becker, B E and Gerhart, S (2016) the impact of human resource management on organizational performance: progress and prospects, Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), pp 7
Cave, A (2014) Organizational Change in the Workplace, Kogan Page, London
Dowling, P J, Weech, D E., (2009) International Human Resource Management: Managing people in a multinational context, South Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH
Farnham, D (2010) Employee Relations in Context, 2nd edn, Institute of Personnel and Development, London

Impact of Poor Recruitment

Here, Recruitment & selection would be acknowledged as one of the most critical types of human resource-based decisions within a firm which requires making (Armstrong & Baron, 2008) As per Purcell (2003), recruitment can be recognized as a process to attract and encourage people for applying, meanwhile selection would use appropriate measurements for making fair as well as accurate assessments about the strengths & the weaknesses related with applicants. (Schuler, 2003)The main problem here would arise when a relevant job or else workplace may not become as expected. Here, it has studies some mismatches under person-environment based fit as well as the person- job-based fir and then, the person-organization based fit as well as person-group based fit or else the person-supervisor based fit. (Wahl, 2010) Here, Person-job based fit indicated the way that personal characteristics would match with a relevant job or else the tasks which would be performed within work (Dyer & Holder, 2015).

When such issues on the recruitment & the selection have are not properly addressed, such a situation would lead to arise several kinds of implications to the firm. The increasing level of turnover rate would be likely to occur if there is having a mismatch in the middle of the person-environment based fit. (Schuler, 2003) It will reflect negatively on the whole image of the firm in terms of prospective employees as well as the competitors with whole stakeholders finally. As per Lorange (2006), the overall composition with the staff quality would be important to the quality of whole organizational products and the services offered.(Barsoux, 2008) The competing firms would utilize the advantage from this condition to attract more prospective workers through mentioning that there is having a higher level of work satisfaction. Overall, the organization would not be looked at a good light via stakeholders since this higher level of turnover rate. (Argyris & Schon, 2016).

Other main implication can be recognized as this would lead to create a kind of negative culture amongst the workforce. As an instance, it can be taken an expatriate worker who would be unable with adapting to the given location as well as job itself. (Schuler, 2003) Such a person would regularly make some comparisons amongst the previous organization as well as the work location with making the daily complaints for other types of employees. Such a person would bring a kind of negative aura between him which makes other people feel that specific organization would be really a kind of terrible place with the comparison on rivals. As per Christiansen (2003) it is having direct influence from the expatriate adjustment over the organizational performance. Further, it is having high likelihood that workers' motivation levels may decrease because of the failure within the adjustment process where it further leads to the poor level of performance within the work. (Wahl, 2010) Finally, such employees would likely make an influence on the others as thinking negatively where it could make an effect on overall workforce productivity as well as whole organizational performance negatively. (Digman, 2009)

As per Wahl (2010), people who perceive a kind of misfit in the middle of the company’s strategy are having less commitment and a low level of loyalty towards the firm. (Wahl, 2010) Further, the staff would become as highly frustrated while leaving the firm because of having own strategy for working within the better place where hired solely based upon the performance while giving little attention on the overall workforce diversity. (Schuler, 2003)

Furthermore, overall costs over the selection errors would have some significant implications towards the overall organization. As per Boxall (2012), the overall emotional cost of an employee, as well as firm cost incurred since the failure, would have a kind of severe effect on both of the parties. As per Schuler (2003) organization is capable of incurring up to only five times from workers’ salary because of the poor selection based decision. Hence, it may have significant costs with recruit again with a high level of employee leaves within the firms with the overall cost related with HR planning as well as organizing and conducting interviews. Further, the cost of time wasted by the managers to conduct such interviews within potential staff with the retention attempts as well as exit interviews should be considered here. (Digman, 2009) Moreover, the cost to get work permits, as well as relocation costs related with foreign staff, also should be concerned here. (Armstrong & Baron, 2008)

The legal obligation would be another implication since the selection errors within the poor recruitment decisions. Hence, if the firm selects a kind of the wrong individual who would be unable with matching person-environment based fit; such a person would stick with that organizational contract. (Argyris & Schon, 2016) Even such employees may have poor performance with the negative influences upon other workers since this mismatch; the organization cannot dismiss such employees based on the legal grounds since such person has not committed a kind of offense or else any disciplinary issues. (Lorange, 2006), At that time, the organization is having no choice until waiting such a contract would come to an end for deciding not to go for renewing and carrying on with such poor performing workers further. (Dyer & Holder, 2015)


Argyris, C and Schon, D A (2016) Organizational Learning: A theory of action perspective, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA
Armstrong M (2017) A Handbook of Personnel Management Practice, 6th edn, Kogan Page, London
Armstrong, M and Baron, A (2008) Performance Management: The new realities, IPD, London
Boxall, P F (2012) Strategic HRM: a beginning, a new theoretical direction, Human Resource Management Journal, 2(3)
Carter, A, Hirsh, W and Aston, J (2010) Resourcing the Training and Development Function, Report No 390, Institute of Employment Studies, Brighton
Digman, L A (2009) Strategic Management – Concepts, Decisions, Cases, Irwin, Georgetown, Ontario
Dyer, L and Holder, G W (2015) Strategic human resource management and planning, in L Dyer (ed) Human Resource management: Evolving roles and responsibilities, Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, DC

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Sources and Approaches of Recruitment -Global Scenario

International staffing has been consisted with the recruitment & the selection is dealing with some ‘critical issues which are faced via multinational corporations related with employment at home as well as host with third country based nationals with filling the key positions within headquarters as well as subsidiary type operations (Buhler, 2002). Via this international staffing, such multinational corporations are coordinating and controlling the globalized operations. Similarly, international staffing would effect on the performance in main subsidiaries with the multinational corporations collectively. (Buhler, 2002) 

Here, the approaches or the sources of recruitment under the global scenario are categorized under basic four international approaches, referred as the ethnocentric as well as polycentric and geocentric along with regiocentric (Heenan, 2002). Here, ethnocentric approach would fill whole key positions within subsidiaries in abroad through the parent-country based nationals meanwhile overall polycentric approach would do with the host country based nationals.  Further, geocentric approach would utilize the available best people over the senior positions without concerning about the nationalities. Then, the regiocentric approach would select the best available people within specific region only. (Scott & Bohlander, 2012)

These approaches have both advantages as well as the disadvantages (Harzing 2009). When it comes to concern about the advantages within ethnocentric approach can be recognized as effective communication as well as ease of controlling with transferring the knowledge etc. but, it limits overall development opportunities to the host country nationals which may effect on morale as well as long-term oriented cause repatriation issues. Furthermore, expatriates would encounter several difficulties with adapting towards such host working based contexts, where usage of such expatriates would normally become as more expensive with comparing Host country nationals. (Ronald & Sims, 2002)

Under the polycentric approach, it would result for coordination as well as control issues. Here, geocentric approach would enable those multinational corporations with developing an effective globalized management team which enhances overall subsidiary’s based learning as well as innovation potential with the performance through facilitating overall process of knowledge integration properly (Ronald & Sims, 2002) But, this involves higher level of costs for training as well as relocation, along with the increased difficulties to obtain work permits within the main host countries. Furthermore, regiocentric approach would make this easier to the international managers with transferring and however, this limits career paths under particular region with having the potential with leading to federalism under regional base (Dowling, 2008).  Hence, multinational corporations would adopt various approaches of international staffing which are determined via host-contextual facts as well as firm-specific facts. As an instance, Australian as well as German multinational corporations are tending to employ most of host country national managers within their own Chinese based subsidiaries (Hutchings 2010), meanwhile Chinese based multinational corporations are tending to use most of expatriates within their overseas based operations (Edwards 2004).

Here, effective recruitment as well as selection would contribute significantly for overall expatriate performance (Durai, 2010). Past research showed that majority of multinational corporations recruited expatriates as internally (Lang 2009) while considering some selection criteria such as job expertise as well as technical competence with the personal traits as well as interpersonal abilities and the cultural openness along with the ability with adjusting to newer contexts and the family issues (Templer 2010) along with past global working experiences (Wright 2002). Such criteria would regard as critical for expatriate performance within global assignments where its consideration would depend upon the reasons to utilize such expatriates (Scott & Bohlander, 2012)

As per Shen (2005) it can be seen three main approaches to recruit host country nationals referred as home-based as well as host-based with the integrative approaches. As per Shen, multinational corporations which adapt to approach of home-based would export their main home operation’s based recruitment process with the selection criteria towards the overseas based subsidiaries. Then, the approach of host-based would localize such recruitment as well as selection within host country nationals. Multinational corporations which are adopting to the integrative approach would seek for the practices of recruitment & the selection which best fit with the internal as well as external contexts. (Ronald & Sims, 2002)

For instances, in Korea, most of the companies are adopting to ‘open recruitment’ which refers for hiring mainly university graduates from the universities (Ronald & Sims, 2002), In China, its recruitment channels have become as diverse, consisted with job fair as well as job center with the employment agency as well as headhunter and the online recruitment along with the advertisements through media as well as word of mouth (Gao 2010). Further, large scale firms as well as foreign-invested type of enterprises are tending to rely highly on job fairs at universities where the headhunters for recruiting higher-calibre workers (Chen 2006). Whole employees should sign for the labour contracts which last within five years of period (Warner 2010). In here, Political attitude considered as highly important for the state-owned type of enterprises (Leung 2010), where private enterprises have given the importance for the education as well as skills with the experience along with the performance (Shen 2010). Moreover, Korean multinational corporations are focusing heavily over the English fluency with choosing the expatriates as well (Scott & Bohlander, 2012).


Armstrong, M, (2006), A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan Page Publisher.
Buhler, P.L.U, (2002), Human Resources Management: All the Information You Need to Manage Your Staff and Meet Your Business Objectives. 4th ed. Lincoln: Adams Media Publisher.
Barney E, Heinz S., K, (2008), Human Resource Management: Theory & Practice. 3rd ed. Cape Town: Juta and Company Ltd Publisher.
Durai, P.K, (2010), Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. India: Pearson Education India.
Jerry R. Baker, Madeleine S. Doran, F, (2007), Human Resource Management: A Problem-solving Approach. 2nd ed. Plymouth: R&L Education Publisher.
Nelarine , C, (2002) Human Resource Management: A Managerial Perspective. 2nd ed. Norwich: Cengage Learning EMEA Publisher.
Ronald R. Sims, J, (2007), Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. 2nd ed. United States: Information Age Publisher.
Ronald R. Sims, T.K, (2002), Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management. 2nd ed. London: Greenwood Publishing Group
Rao, V.S.P, (2007) Human Resources Management: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. India: Excel Books India.
Sengupta, N.L, (2007) International Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. Bangalore: Excel Books India.
Scott S., Bohlander, G, (2012), Managing Human Resources. 1st ed. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Stephen J. Perkins, Susan M. Shortland, D, (2006), Stephen J. Perkins, Susan M. Shortland. 2nd ed. London: Strategic International Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection in HRM: Example drawn from HNB

As per Windolf (1986), overall selection of specific recruitment strategy via an organization would be specific towards resources exist within that organization as well as its environmental dynamics. As per Wright (2007), it should answer for five main questions with developing an effective strategy of recruitment for pursuing its overall survival as well as the success such as “Whom to be recruited? And “Where to be recruited?” as well as “What kind of recruitment sources to be used?” and “When to be recruited?” as well as “What kind of message to be communicated?” (Subbarao, 2006)

Here, Recruitment can be defined as the process to generate a proper pool of eligible candidates who would be applying to the firm for its employment (Gold, 2007). It suggests that those applicants who have experience as well as qualifications closely relate with the job specifications would eventually be chosen. As per Armstrong (2006), the main objective here is to obtain, with minimum cost, correct as well as qualified candidates for satisfying the organizational needs. Hence, the firm attracts candidates through identifying as well as evaluating with using appropriate applicants. (Sarkar & Kumar, 2007)

As per Eze (2002), overall recruitment can be seen as a process to find and attempt with attracting job candidates with suitably qualification while filling vacancies effectively with an aim of encouraging them for applying to the vacant position. As per Costello (2006), the recruitment can be seen as set of structured activities as well as processes which are used with legally obtaining adequate qualified applicants to the right place & the right time while enabling them to select with optimum interest. (Sarkar & Kumar, 2007)

Here, it can be seen internal sources of the recruitment which is referring to recruit such employees through the organization while giving the initial consideration to the current employees. This would be important since it may provide opportunities on career development as well as utilization of prevailing human resources within the entity. As per Armstrong (2000), first consideration must give for the internal candidates by an entity with an equal opportunity for the internal candidates to the vacancies than the external candidates

Further, external sources related with recruitment are referring to attract suitable applicants via outside a specific organization for filling the vacant positions. Here, the organizations must fully assess existing positions which require filling and selecting suitable recruiting methods which give best results. These sources consisted with advertisement as well as e-recruitment with the employment agencies as well as labour office and education as well as training centers etc. (Sarkar & Kumar, 2007)

As per Mondy (2010), selection can be defined as “the process to select through group of given applicants who are best suited to the specific position within the firm” whereas overall process of recruitment process would be aligned with encouraging the individuals for seeking employment within the firm.  However, the attraction of huge applicant base would not be the issue, but recruitment of the correct applicants would become as the main concern in the middle of employers within the firm (Subbarao, 2006). Along with oversupply of such unskilled type of applicants (Bussin, 2011), it is possible to assume that whole employers must be highly careful before choosing the applicants. Here, employer decisions on employee selection would be central towards the organizational operations where its outcomes would matter on whole individuals as well as organizations with the society ultimately.

For an example, it can be illustrated the the recruitment & selection process at Virtusa Corporation as a kind of prominent name within whole IT sector in Sri Lanka as below;

Furthermore, here, the Managers who would be involved within the process of hiring employees require understanding the skills as well as abilities which may require within specific job while determining which candidates would have such required capabilities. Here, Interviews as well as reference checks and the tests with the applications as well as résumés would support to identify differences in the middle of those candidates. Further, managers could make their own decisions on selection through the fuller awareness about the strengths as well as weaknesses of those applicants (Subbarao, 2006)

Here, the organizations under the whole selection process would use methods like application forms as well as interviews and the formal tests with references as well as assessment centers along with official transcripts etc. hence, the firm requires choosing a method which would be most appropriate for all job positions. Organizational HR experts would normally drive overall staffing process with having a purpose on staffing to fulfill main requirements within the business with the skill levels which are presented via each newer recruit would likely to judge better when line managers would be involved within whole recruitment as well as selection process. Under the overall implementation of business strategy, the main involvement from the line managers within whole staffing process which comprises with drafting such job descriptions as well as setting criteria while being in recruitment panel would be vital to ensure the recruitment & selection with meeting overall business needs. Hence, line managers would become as the owner of such process of recruitment & selection where HR is playing a kind of facilitator based role here.

The business needs of HNB are published on the Bank's website, vacancy websites and on the website and in the Bulletin of the Croatian Labor Service. Potential candidates can express their interest in working at the Bank by submitting an application based on the relevant advertisement. When applying, candidates are also asked to submit the following documents: proof of the completed education level, transcript of records and grade point average, letters of recommendation and other documents relevant to the application. During the selection process, candidates are generally contacted by e-mail and, if necessary, by post or telephone.

The candidate selection process consists of professional knowledge and knowledge of English, psychological assessment and a professional interview. Candidates who have previously participated in a selection process at the Bank will be informed in the invitation of the activities they must undertake with regard to the advertised position for which they have applied. As soon as the selected candidate accepts the offer to enter into an employment contract, all other candidates will receive an email thanking them for applying for the advertised position.

HNB mostly consider on internal recruitment. If a number of people apply for a position internally, you may need to be careful. If you choose a particular candidate for the position, other rejected candidates may feel discouraged, lose motivation, and feel that their hard work is not recognized. The result? Unemployed employees and falling productivity. And research shows us that companies with low employee involvement experience 18% lower productivity and 16% lower profitability.

Both internal and external recruitment have their advantages and disadvantages, so simply declaring a winner between internal and external recruitment would be unfair.


Anyim, F. C., Ekwoaba, J. O. (2012). The role of human resource planning in recruitment and selection process. British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 6
Armstrong, M., (2000). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. Great Britain: Cambridge University.
Bacon, N., Ackers, P., Coates, D (2012), it’s a small world: managing human resources in small businesses. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 7, No. 2
Breaugh, J., & Starke, M., (2000), Research on employee recruitment: so many studies, so many remaining questions. Journal of Management, Vol. 26. No. 3, pp. 4
Gold S .R. (2007). Recruitment and selection practices in SMEs: Empirical evidence from a developing country perspective. Advances in Management, 3(2), 5
Sarkar, A., Kumar, S. (2007). Effective recruitment and selection: An approach towards model building. HRM Review, 7 (7), 1
Subbarao, P. (2006). Essentials of human resource management and industrial relation. Mumbai: Himalaya Publications.

Recruitment & Selection Methods: The unique approaches that are employed at MNCs

Due to the increased globalization as well as the competitive pressures, overall recognition on the human resources has become as potential source related with competitive advantage as well as dynamic workforce demographics along with attraction of skillful talents which becomes as a kind of high concern paid by the top management within the firms.  At present, attracting huge base of applicants would not become as big issue, however, recruiting correct applicants would become as the primary concern within most of employers. Several recent studies about the personnel selection (Agarwal & Thite, 2013) acknowledged key trends with the developments within recruitment as well as selection techniques with its reasons during the recent years such as improved level of decision making based acceptance within the selection systems as well as higher usage of available information technology within traditional type of recruitment techniques etc.

Recruitment can be defined as a kind of procedure to develop skilled candidates who are capable of applying for the organizational employment. This represents core staffing activity which provides a kind of significant resource of human capital towards the firm and therefore, it requires proficiently planning and conducting for the firms to accomplish the success (Judge, 2005). It has recognized various recruitment techniques either formal or else informal (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014) where formal type of recruitment practices considered as newspaper based advertisements as well as job centres, with the employment agencies etc (Taylor, 2009). As per Wanous (2000), such informal type recruitment methods resulted with getting higher quality as well as highly committed workers with comparing to formal methods.

Then, selection can be defined as process to gather information with an aim of overall evaluating as well as deciding who must be employed within specific jobs (Welch, 2004). Such selection techniques are related with more traditional type methods such as interviews as well as application forms with the references along with some sophisticated techniques such as aptitude tests as well as assessment centres with the work samples as well as psychological testing etc. (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014)

At present, boundaries in the middle of nations became as melted where multinational firms become necessity on overall development. The researchers require understanding about the way that HR practices would transform in the midst of different nations. Through adopting with globalized selection practices, here, multinational organizations would be presented several types of obstacles under the legal requirements as well as cultural values within given country while ignoring them may lead for breaking down whole system (Hemingway, 2003). Hence, multinational firm requires understanding what type of recruitment as well as selection practices would be successful within specific country where entity wishes for entering. (Agarwal & Thite, 2013)

Within present dynamic labour market, the firms face greater level of competition with chasing their desired type of employees. A kind of survey from 33,000 of employers across 23 countries revealed that about 40% from employers would find as highly difficult with finding and hiring such desired talents (Manpower Inc., 2006). Through having significant base of employees who would be knowledgeable or else skilled within specific technology would definitely constitute proper potential source to gain more competitive advantages towards the organization (Agarwal & Thite, 2013) Due to that reason, more domestic as well as global organizations design their overall hiring systems as the manner to enable them with acquiring the best employee whose existing knowledge is possible to use towards the competitive edge. (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000)

For an example, it can be taken Unilever MNC which was created in the year 1930 by Liver brothers and it is following a process of recruitment with five main steps such as initially, assessing the employees and planning and then, announcing the vacancy circulation and after that, they got the application and then, analyze those application and finally, they are calling for the eligible applicants under the explained structured process for the employee selection as follows; (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014)

As per Schuler (2002), staffing would be the most prominent type of IHRM practice which multinational companies used with helping co-ordinate as well as control own far-flung type globalized operations. Through significant increment of such multinational companies across the whole world, this becomes as imperative to the HR practitioners for getting thorough understanding about local type of staffing practices as the way to implement those staffing practices successfully. (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000)

It can be found considerable variations in the middle of recruitment as well as selection methods across nationalized borders. Several research studies have supported culturally based divergence view from HRM under recruitment as well as selection practices attached with various cultures across various nations (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000). Through reviewing about 13 surveys about the selection techniques which have applied within European organizations, Levy (2004) found that overall interviews as well as application blanks used within whole countries, however, graphology would be used only within France. Further, written references would not use within France where it has concluded that such situational tests as well as assessment centers would be applied highly across UK as well as Germany with Netherlands while comparing with France as well as Belgium.

As per Dean (2002), more work based sample tests would be hardly used within United States where Germany also using generalized mental ability tests more (Rioux & Bernthal, 2014). Within Australia, about 35% of firms are seldom using situation based interviews (Milia, 2004). As per Lockyer (1999) Scottish firms are not using assessment center like selection practice where Taiwanese firms reported as mostly use such employee based referrals among family members as well as relatives and close friendships.

Agarwal, N. M., & Thite, M. (2013), Human resource issues, challenges and strategies, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 3(3), 24
Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2003). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, United Kingdom
Dowling, P. J. & Schuler, R. S. (2010). International di-mensions of human resource management, PWS-Kent, Boston
Lievens, F., Dam, K., & Anderson, N. (2012). Recent trends and challenges in personnel selection. Personnel Review, 31(5), 58
Rioux, S. M., & Bernthal, P. (2014). Recruitment and selec-tion practices survey report. HR Benchmark Group, 2(2), 1-19
Scholarios, D., & Lockyar, C. (2014). Recruiting and se-lecting professionals: Context, qualities, and methods. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 7(3)
Zottoli, M. A., & Wanous, J. P. (2000). Recruitment source research: current status and future directions. Human Resource Management Review, 10(4)

Thursday, 30 January 2020

What is HR Analytics and Data-Driven Recruiting?

Recruitment of employees has become the last line of adoption of analytics in business practices. Other tasks, such as marketing, manufacturing, finance and accounting, have learned how to use automation, sophisticated analytics, and big data to improve information quality, facilitate data collection and assist in better decision making. Recruiters, however, apparently resisted this trend for many years (Martin R Edwards,2019).

In the coming years, data-driven recruitment has the potential to transform the human resources industry. It is being accelerated by the cloud-based computing solution, more sophisticated software and the overall digitalization of the modern organization. Many forward-looking organizations are now implementing the fundamental steps towards total cloud integration. Cloud computing is the movement of data and software from internal (local) to external (remote) servers and hard drives. In three years, cloud computing is projected to raise $ 331 billion in market revenue. Information technology (IT) experts believe that the software will be almost completely separated from the hardware in the future, with an increasing number of applications stored on remote servers rather than on the user's own local hard drive. This change in storage location offers several key advantages, including increased cyber security and a unification of end-user experiences. There are additional benefits for organizations that implement cloud-based storage systems (Dan C.Marinesu,2013).The ability to centralize data from various sources through the cloud will allow companies to create substantial databases. The information extracted from these databases can be used for predictive analysis of target markets, consumer behavior and business trends, which gives companies a clear competitive advantage. With continuous advances in low-power processors and other chip technologies, companies can optimize investments and scale operations continuously, generating higher revenues, higher profit margins and greater operational agility. Another factor is the speed at which data travels across devices. Combined, these advances will allow companies to create larger applications and use their data in more complex ways.

"The dirty and good HR department is changing in the past. The geeks have arrived.
The outdated human resources department is changing. The geeks have arrived. Today, for the first time in the fifteen years that I have been an analyst, human resources departments are taking analytics seriously. And I mean seriously.”-Human resources expert Josh Bersin.

Today, Artificial Intelligence is a well-known topic that is broadly discussed in technology and business circles. Many industry experts and analysts argue that AI or machine learning is the future, but if we look around, we are convinced that it is not the future, it is the present. With the advancement of technology, we are already connected to AI in one way or another, be it Siri, Watson or Alexa. Siri is one of the most popular personal assistants offered by Apple on iPhone and iPad. The friendly voice activated assistant interacts with the user in a daily routine. She helps us find information, get directions, send messages, make voice calls, open applications and add events to the calendar.

Siri uses machine learning technology to get more intelligent and able to understand natural language questions and requests. Without a doubt, it is one of the most emblematic examples of gadget machine learning skills.

Netflix needs no introduction: it is a very popular content on demand service that uses predictive technology to offer recommendations based on reaction, interests, choices and consumer behavior. The technology examines a series of records to recommend movies based on your previous tastes and reactions.

It is getting smarter with each passing year. The only drawback of this technology is that small films go unnoticed while large films grow and spread on the platform. But as I wrote before, it is still improving and learning to be smarter.

Data-based recruitment encompasses the technologies and techniques used to analyze a large group of talents and identify candidates with the right skills and the right mindset to help the organization achieve its objectives. Applied well, it helps companies find employees who will fit into the corporate culture and become strong team players (Lyndon Sundmark,2017).

According to a recent LinkedIn report, data-based recruitment allows recruiters to
1.Ask the right questions.
2. Browse a large group of candidate data.
3. Analyze the results
The results are proven; Xerox used algorithm-based recruitment to decrease its dropout rate in its call centers by 20 percent. And these "people analysis" can lead organizations to recruit more productive workers. For example, Apple's best developer is more than nine times more productive than an average worker in a competing technology company. The best sales associate in Nordstrom generates more than eight times more revenue than an average seller in a competing store.

Other benefits of data-based recruitment include:

1. Improved workflows.
2. Almost immediate access to records and metrics.
3. Job search in real time.
4. Predictive analysis.

Part of what makes data-based recruitment successful is that it leverages a group of talents that can be used as a pipeline to identify candidates and reduce options until only the most suitable candidates remain. One of the challenges is to make data collection consistent: paper resumes are passed and candidates should be encouraged to submit their application through a portal on the organization's website. This eliminates the need to analyze individual resumes and enter data manually.

Bersin says there are two reasons for the urgency of adopting data-based recruitment:

1. It facilitates the use of the systems.
2. It improves the accuracy of the database used for people analysis and decision making.

In the Bersin report, 73 percent of organizations seeking updates said they want integrated data and analysis to be part of their new systems. Two-thirds of respondents said they are looking for a cloud-based solution.

The data-based hiring process is where human resources professionals / recruiters take advantage of the useful knowledge of the data, tangible facts and statistics to make solid and informed hiring decisions, from the creation of hiring plans to the selection of candidates. The advantages of Data-driven hiring process are Removing guesswork from hiring and forecasting, Better quality of hires, Reducing the time and cost to hire, ensure personalized and seamless candidate experiences and Removing bias from hiring and improving diversity &inclusion.

The disadvantages of Data-driven hiring process are if the algorithms used in the data-based approach reflect human biases and preconceived notions, then we may be automating human biases, Wrong/ irrelevant/ poor quality data, Recruiters lack data and analytics skills, Too much focus on the quantitative insights and Data is not translated into decisions (Rubert Morrison,2015).

Friday, 24 January 2020

Traditional Employee Recruitment Process Vs Modern Employee Recruitment Process: A viewpoint that illustrated how the process has evolved.

Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting potential resources to fill vacancies in an organization. It provides candidates with the skills and attitude needed to achieve the goals of an organization.

In the older version, recruiters followed candidates in specific areas, where candidates were more likely to look for jobs. Some examples are pages of newspapers and lists of job areas. Additionally, until recently, active candidates were described as an important source of resources for some jobs. Employees with at least ten to twenty years of work participation in the same company are given the opportunity to choose a number of futuristic candidates for the companies. They can even ask anyone in their family or friends to come and choose the job. Due to the large number of potential candidates, who just want to start their career recruiters have to work on job vacancies at candidate-hunting locations. And it is an undeniable fact that advertisements in newspapers are quite expensive. But you can easily be guaranteed to receive a few qualified candidates for your recent vacancies around here (Barber,1998).

Recruitment Process

Recruitment planning is the first step in the recruitment process, where vacancies are analyzed and defined. These include the characteristics of the job and its nature, experience, qualifications and skills required for the job, etc. The hiring plan refers to the default strategy for hiring employees. It serves as a timeline for companies when seeking qualified applicants for a company without a timeline reason. (Donald H.Sweet,1973).
The first and the most important process of recruitment plan is to identify this vacancy. The onset of this process is accompanied by the receipt of requests from individuals who are proficient in the arts related to various fields. Which contains number of vacancies to fill, number of positions, carry out duties and responsibilities, Ability and experience required. When a vacancy is identified, it is the responsibility of the supply manager to determine whether this position is necessary, permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time, etc.
Job analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and determining a particular job's duties, responsibilities, skills, abilities, and work environment. These factors help identify what the job requires and what the employee needs to do to make the job workable.
The job description is an important document, which is specific in nature and contains the final statement of the job analysis. This description is very important for the recruitment process.
The job specification focuses on the characteristics of the candidate who is being hired by the HR team. The first step in job specification is preparing a list of all jobs in the organization and its locations. The second step is to generate information for each task.
Job evaluation is a comparative process of analysis, evaluation and determination of the relative value / value of a job in relation to the other jobs in an organization. Strategy Development is the second step in the recruitment process. After completing the job description and job specification, the next step is to determine what strategy the organization should employ to recruit potential candidates. Developing a recruitment strategy is a long process, but having the right strategy is essential to attract the right candidates.
Searching is the third process of recruitment where resources are tailored to the needs of the job. After the recruitment strategy, the search for candidates will be started. This process consists of two parts. Such as source activation and selling. The sources are broadly divided into two types: internal sources and external sources.
Screening begins after the candidates have completed the sourcing process. Screening is the process of filtering out candidate requests for further selection process. Screening is an integral part of the recruitment process that helps exclude ineligible or irrelevant candidates, which were obtained through sourcing.
Evaluation and control are the last step in the recruitment process. In this process, the effectiveness and the justification and methods of the process are evaluated.

When it comes to recruitment, institutions around the world have taken benefit of traditional recruitment practices that have served them well and supplied employees who have played a major important role in defining their organizations.

Finally, the question to be asked is whether the traditional recruitment methods are used or not?
Although the traditional method of recruiting human resources for an organization is a time and cost consuming process, modern methods are turning the plate and using time and cost saving techniques to make it more effective and easier.

Modern Recruitment Process

Recent technology has changed the entire workplace for improvement. And the same goes with the recruitment process. Gone are the days when recruiters used to post ads in newspapers to find just the right candidate for a firm. With the rise of the job seekers market, with the help of an applicant tracking system or ATS, recruitment rules have changed completely. Therefore, recruiters have recently been forced to change their perspective, if they are willing to fill vacancies with honorable candidates (Zottoli & Wanous,2000). With the emergence of social media, global markets, and analytics tools, the entire recruitment business has changed.This helps further increase recruiters' reach. However, it can provide rigorous ways to address current sourcing issues (Vecchio,1995).
At present, the average employee is living with employers on an average of 4.2 years. After that, they are gearing up for a new opportunity and a better pay package (Pieper,2015). Since passive candidates are not enough to look for jobs, therefore, they exclude news sources. Before making the perfect leap, they rely on social media resources and word of mouth. Therefore, it can be explained that new recruitment methods can help you find the best passive candidate for existing vacancies in companies.

Hiring the wrong candidate can be a recruitment mistake. CV Library reports that bad job placement decisions in the United Kingdom could harm businesses of up to £15,000. Depending on the function and the number of applications received by an employer and a recruiter, that can make a difference quickly.

As a conclusion, it can be said under the old recruitment process, after establishing contacts, candidates are eager to apply for the position. Several types of candidates were selected, and this is the company's last call, to find the best in the draw. But, when it comes to new recruitment methods, only the top candidates are selected. Many recruiters are here to pursue top candidates. They may also be looking for some candidates who are not even planning a change yet. This will reduce the work of the central company, and give them ample options to choose the best candidates. Although you cannot deny the importance of the old methods of recruitment, they are not much in use these days. At the moment, without the latest recruiting techniques, finding the right candidate is a daunting task, and it is somewhat impossible to follow.

Thursday, 16 January 2020

The Effects of Recruitment and Selection on Organizational Performance: theoretical views compared to practical scenario.

The most important development in the field of organizations has taken place in recent times the importance given to human resources (Djabatey,2012). Recruitment is the process of analyzing and inviting prospective candidates from within and outside an organization so that they can begin to evaluate them for future employment, selection begins when the right candidates are identified (Walker,2009). As defined by Ophtha (2010), recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified individuals to apply for job vacancies. In any organization's operations, recruitment and selection are its main tasks of the human Resource Department is the first step towards creating the competitive power of organizations.

Human Capital Theory as Proposed by Adam Smith (1723-1790) in Taxira (2002)People are thought to be fixed capital like a machine because of their skills and abilitieswhich has real cost and profit. According to the basis, in the theory of human capitalArmstrong (2006) is that people and their collective abilities, skills and experience, together with these abilities to deploy in the interests of the hiring organization, are now recognized asMaking a significant contribution to organizational success and also an important formation source of competitive advantage.

Although, it is necessary to select the right candidates in organizations, it still becomes an imperative step to implement proper sustaining strategies that boost the overall organizational performance. For an example, HNB  Jaffna Green Branch pays more emphasis on developing the pool of existing employees with consistent training and learning workshops.  As a branch that stands for promoting CSR as a core of business value, the HNB Metro trains its employees to have proper interpersonal values, which are then converted as a competitive advantage even at the view of all branches.

The resource-based theory (RBV) of Barney (1991) suggests that sustainable competitive advantage comes when firms have a human resources pool can't imitate or replace rivals. According to a resource-based view, firms should review their workforce regularly to make sure they have the right people with the right skills in the right places to ensure a permanent competitive advantage (Barney, 2001).

Recruitment and selection constitute a large part of the organization's total resourcing strategy, which identifies and protects the organization from short to medium-term survival and success (Elwood & James, 1996). In fact, the main purpose of recruitment is to create a pool of qualified candidates to enable the organization to select the best candidates for the organization, attracting as many employees as possible while the main purpose of the selection process is choosing the right candidate to fill various positions in the organization. The available evidence suggests that there is a positive and important relationship between them recruitment and selection and performance of an enterprise (Gamage,2014). Other studies such as Syed and Jamai (2012) have similarly shown that effective recruitment and selection enforcement are positively related to organizational performance. With exact note to recruitment and selection norm and organizational achievement, Montana and Chernov (2000) maintain that sourcing applicant in advertising and selection through advertising or other methods, examining potential candidates through tests and interviews, selecting or interviewing candidates based on test results, and onboarding to ensure that candidates can fulfill their new role effectively.
Although recruitment plays a key role, still external factors or macro level changes affect the performance of organizations.

Individual circumstances also play a key role.

The impact of various recruitment and selection criteria for employees has been the subject of research for over 60 years (Sinha & Thaly, 2013). Effectiveness is primarily assessed by turnover rates, job survival and job performance testing, as well as organizational issues such as referrals by current personnel, job postings at home, and re-employment of former employees (Zottoli & Wanous, 2000).

Hiring effective employees and selecting employees is a fundamental HRM activity, if so being well-organized can have a significant impact on organizational performance as well as more positive organizational icons, recruitment and selection are key to success of an Organization, having the right staff can improve and maintain organizational performance. Also, effective recruitment and selection is central to success because the organization depends on finding the necessary skills and people ability to deliver the organization's strategic objectives and the ability to be positive cooperation in Organization Values and Goals, Sasson (1994).

On the other hand, better recruitment and selection strategies result in better organizational results. The more effective the organization is recruiting and selecting candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. In addition, the effectiveness of an organization selection systems can affect lower-level business results, such as productivity and finance performance

The focus of recruitment and selection comes from the potential candidates against the inherent demands and rewards of a given task. Because of this, high performance companies devote considerable resources and energy to building high quality selection systems. The recruitment and selection process are important process for human resource management, and very important in influencing organizational success.

The quality of new recruits depends on the organizations' recruitment practices, and that is the relative effectiveness of the selection phase depends on the natural ability candidates attracted. Recruitment and selection of employees to a determines the performance of an organization to some extent and if it matters organizations want to achieve their goals.Recruitment and selection in any organization is a serious business because the benefit of any organization or achievement in service delivery consignment on the element of the workforce that was recruited through recruitment and selection exercises in the organization (Ezeali and Esiagu, 2010).

As a conclusion, it can be said employee recruitment and selection process plays a key role in the success of your organization. When done correctly, it allows you to attract the best talent and build a results-oriented team. Like everything else, this process is not perfect. There are different methods that companies can use to recruit employees, and each has advantages and disadvantages.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

The importance of social media in HR and Employee Recruitment-Critical view

As a digital platform, social media has had a tremendous impact on how we maintain and communicate with friends, family and colleagues. The advent of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others has presented to us a democratic platform where everyone has an opinion and an equal opportunity to be heard. Social media, as it is structured, allows people to share their opinions about life events, issues of political or social significance and their emotions. The medium is recognized in bilateral, instant communications that it offers through other traditional media channels such as television print, where communication is the only way.

Due to these many benefits of the digital platform, the presence of social media has become a fundamental process for every organization, for marketing or for corporate HR engagement. In any organization, HR is a function that deals with all employee-related issues such as payroll, hiring, employee engagement, learning and skills development, work environment. Methods such as skills acquisition, leadership, employee communication as well as attracting future employees. As social media helps them do this.

Another important aspect of the lives of HR personnel is to showcase them in the organization. If HR is not visible, they are not included with the employees. They do not have employee-related insights that need to make important HR decisions. Social media gives HR a chance to establish a relationship with every employee of this organization, regardless of their location. When employees find that there is a window where they can solve any problem, the visibility and credibility of HR as a job increases. It is a common platform that can generally be used to understand how an organization is perceived by its employees and potential recruits.

The Social media is the preferred source for job seekers. (Weiss and Barbeite,2001). Modern companies evolving their own websites and online work boards. The presence of social media has become a fundamental process for every organization, for marketing or for corporate HR engagement. The use of sophisticated technologies and software has influenced the ways in which employees are recruited and selected. Innovative technology gives owners significant control over the information accessed by their employees. In addition, many employers have begun to use advanced technology to access information about potential employees on general websites. (Vanlddekinge et al.,2013).

Social media is notorious as a 2.0 based Internet-based platform that allows users to create and exchange their content (Kaplan and Haenlein,2010). As noted by Segal (2014)

Recruitment is one of the most desired areas of HR on social media platforms. These platforms have accelerated the recruitment process, which includes initiatives like posting, resuming, in
terviewing, making offers.

The online recruitment process can be more cost effective than traditional methods, Online applications can be processed very speed, Adoption of e-recruitment is also an important reason for organizations promote their image as a progressive organization, It builds a wider pool by providing access to 24/7.This provides a great opportunity for searchers around the world to find the right candidate. It also attracts a larger or more diverse applicant. It also broadens the pool of potential applicants and recruiting, reducing the time for online recruitment can help organizations compete best suited candidate. Another reason for implementation of e-recruitment is reduce the traditional works and offering good service for candidates. Some people behave badly on social media we can determine if a potential candidate has a bad attitude when watching online sharing. (International Journal of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM) Volume 1, Issue 5, August 2014).

Although there are numerous benefits to using social media in the recruitment process, there are some unexpected shocks that come with social media. For those of us who work in the recruitment industry, finding candidates on social networking sites can be harmless. No one even knows, right? But according to a 2013 study conducted by the Advisory, Reconciliation and Mediation Service (ACAS), job seekers do not believe that avoiding the presence of social media or keeping someone fake or neutral is a good job. Although the Internet is primarily a public sphere, some people find employees uncomfortable checking their accounts, as they consider them 'personal' bubbles. Another consequence of recruiters relying on social media is the tendency to create bias. Well, with people with good social media presence, an employer may be prejudiced, compared to people who are not very active online (Connelly and Ones,2010) .Social media can be an incredibly powerful tool for getting an early background check, but it can sometimes provide us with information that can adversely affect our decision. As such, it cannot stand as a recruiting tool by itself.

There is no doubt that social media has improved this recruitment Increase the process by making it more open and democratic.

Discrimination in Recruitment and Selection Process

Discrimination related with unequal opportunities for the employees with equal level of performance within labor market considered as c...